Welcome to the Project Website of MarEngine

How-To Section

Here you can learn to use MarEngine in your application. The tutorials each focus on specific parts of MarEngine. At the beginning of each Tutorial i will mention required knowledge of earlier tutorials.


Tutorial 1: Using MarEngine libraries in your application

This Tutorial provides the basic knowledge you need to use MarEngine. It shows how to access the libraries and introduces graphics initialization. Read more...

Tutorial 2: The MarGraphics library

This Tutorial shows how to access the graphics library and start graphics. You will be introduced to the most important methods you need to get some fancy 3D worlds onto your screen. Read more...
public MarSceneGraphNode getRootNode()
     //Methode gibt RootNode zurück
     MarSceneGraphNode node;
     for (int i=0; i < MarSceGra.length(); i++)
         if (MarSceGra[i].isRoot() == true)
             return MarSceGra[i];
         logFile.appendToLog("RootNode gefunden");